Coding Circle
Learn to create and collaborate on code for interesting projects among gifted peers!
Service Description
Facilitated by an MIT graduate, work toward code that's safe from bugs, easy to understand and ready for change. At one of the biggest software engineering classes at MIT, they started every lecture with the idea that well-written code should be (again) safe from bugs, easy to understand, and ready for change. Let's write some code together and try to get one step closer to internalizing those principles! Currently working through python puzzles and starting to create games in react.js to be immortalized in edRev's virtual space! Recommended prerequisites: Experience in programing (preferably in Python!), and the ability to solve a problem like About the instructor, Jessica Pan Jessica is a master's student at MIT, following her undergraduate degree in Computer Science, with minors in Biology and Design and a Concentration in Education. Jessica's performance as chair of MIT's Educational Studies Program, whose educational programs teach thousands of middle/high school students each year, won her MIT's Outstanding New Leader award. She also directed two of their major programs: Splash 2021 and Spark 2024. She also has plentiful teaching experience, including teaching more than a dozen unique classes for middle/high school students (on topics including microbiology, data visualization, chemistry, genetics, art, and mental health), and TAing for one of MIT's biology courses. She is incredibly passionate about education, and is excited to be a part of edRev's programming.
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